Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hiding behind my MacBook.


Inspired by a conversation with a new friend about blogs and our shared obsession for reading them (and posting them, occasionally) I began to think about the different types of blog pages out there - and then the multitudes who write them. There are countless streams of subject matter however the demographics (or blogger-types) are few. Given that my good friend and I are unhealthily drawn to fashion blogs, I will apply these demographics to the subject matter of our obsession to better analyse these enigmas.

Stream-of-Consciousness Blogger
I could describe myself in this category, if I wrote about fashion (this will be a development in the near future, please stay tuned). These bloggers throw all of their personality and thought process into the writing and never follow any predetermined 'structure'. They will often pose questions to the reader of which they will immediately answer, or leave it hanging in blog space with an ellipsis (...). Often the subject matter will have a focus, and some form of argument will materialise, to be resolved as one would in an essay or thesis - except the blog itself doesn't resemble one. These pieces can be delightful and entice the reader (of course) to follow the stream-of-consciousness to the eventual conclusion without to much of a challenge. Failed attempts may be too conversational, the blogger may write as if talking to their cat - "What should I wear/buy? The geometric diamond cut bodice or vintage silk blouse?" The blogger who writes as if on a stream of consciousness should also beware of becoming too deep. One wouldn't want to write a blog in the style of Milan Kundera - too cerebral.

The Platform Blogger
This demographic uses the blog 'platform' as a means to advertise themselves and the work that they do. An excellent way to profile yourself as an artist, designer or craftsperson, it can be the cost effective alternative to a full scale website. These can be fantastic as they personify the work and the viewer/reader will take more care in reading the bloggers thoughts and connection to the bloggers work. Eventually, however - followers grow tired of the Platform Blogger and it may be time to invest your tax deductible pennies in a website design that is workable. All in all, the Platform Blog is a temporary solution.

The 'Look at Me!" Blogger
Applied to fashion, this is often the way many famous bloggers have started their online careers. That is, they were smart with their posts and gained a positive reputation for being forward thinking, fashionable and (dare I say it) business minded. The 'Look at Me!' Blogger is often caught taking pictures of themselves in outfits they deem stylish and cool, and writing them up like editorial. Sometimes in note form, others use a more conversational tone, explain how they achieved such incredible styling. There is an entire website dedicated to the (usually young) hipsters who post images daily, if not hourly here. These blogs can be great, if the blogger is smart (and a bit of style doesn't go astray). Many (sadly) fail to achieve any sort of success. The trick is to be smart, and eventually labels will simply throw their clothes, accessories, lingerie, shoes, bags, furniture lines at you.

The Editorial Blogger
These I admire the most. That is, if the blogger has the ability to form an opinion instead of simply appropriating the opinions of others. There are rules with the Editorial Blog which are unspoken. If you wish to reference somebody elses opinion, do so - just be sure to credit their work and agree with them. The Editorial Blog can be a fantastic platform to showcase work as a fashion journalist, given that the industry itself is tough. Editorial Bloggers can be lucky enough to bring their work to celebrity status with blog and twitter followers all over the globe. The pictures are good quality (and well referenced), the writing and structure sound. You'll find my RSS feed just filled with this sort of blog - if it's done well.

The Photo Blogger
Short and Sweet, these bloggers simply use our sense of sight and can be delightful to skim over when catching up on posts. My recent obsession is The Selby which incorporates a scrawled, handwritten interview at the end of the post which always coaxes a smile. The pictures must always be of good quality and presented without flaws. The successful Photo Blogger will have blog that exudes their personality and charisma as an artist, through their pictures and composition.

Now, it is 7am (I was up at 5) and in true stream-of-consciousness style, I will leave you hanging with an ellipsis and think more on these Blogger-types. If you care to comment or suggest one to write about please do, and I will add them ...

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Awesome summary! That really should go on Wiki or something..